
Success for all students

In order to ensure the success of each student, according to their skills and merits, the high school puts in place an accompaniment that guarantees the possibility of progression, avoids the feeling of abandonment and withdrawal. To the needs identified and analyzed by the Class Council, adapted answers are provided: tutoring, personalized accompaniment, refresher courses, bridge courses and prevention of duplication, workshops “working methods” …

Students can do their personal work outside of class in study rooms and the Resource Center (as a remediation, extension, excellence tool) supervised by teachers. The CDI which initiates the techniques of documentary research makes available its important collection of documents and its databases.

The teaching provided is completed by training in exams. This gradual implementation of participatory evaluation improves self-perception in a dynamic that combines the value of learning and the invitation to effort.

Project classes: “Succeed in S” are implemented in order to allow students to overcome their disciplinary and organizational difficulties. In literary series, an introduction to philosophy is proposed from the 1st L.

Wefight against absenteeism and school dropout. They result from complex multifactorial processes. A multi-category monitoring unit works to prevent them and to remedy them by a steering wheel of actions adapted to each situation.

The STMG series appears less and less attractive. It will be upgraded by the gradual implementation of a European section and artistic options.

The project aims at the emergence of post-bac perspectives that energize ambitions and this, from the second (PFEG).

The paths of Excellence allow students to access the CPGE, IEP Lille, Science PO Paris, Lille ESJ, Henri IV by specific conventions set up by the school. High-level language learning, participation in selective competitions (CICERO competition, eloquence competition, open competition) are also preparing for success. These rare devices deserve to be valued in order to attract more students.